Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Contemporary Issues Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research

Question: Examine about the Half a Defense of Positive Accounting Research and Contemporary Issues. Answer: Presentation Fundamentally, in this exploration paper, research article in particular, Half a Defense of PositiveAccounting Research composed by Paul V Dunmore is chosen so as to achieve the key motivation behind the investigation. Furthermore, the primary subject of the examination is to dissect and assess the jobs, ideas and noteworthiness of PositiveAccounting Research in theaccounting setting. Additionally, it ought to likewise be noted down that, the key points of the investigate is to make an away from about the job of positiveaccounting in more extensive insight of exploration projects to create key examination of conduct of human in the bookkeeping setting. Also, there are a few contentions are given respects to the positive bookkeeping exploration to viably get it. For case, this exploration study would demonstrate how to comprehend human conduct with the assistance of positive bookkeeping research by utilizing theory just as factual techniques. In addition, in this paper, it would likew ise be talked about that to make progressively explicit and compelling positive bookkeeping research. Also, so as to successfully accomplish the destinations of the investigation, this examination paper is arranged into various significant focuses including presentation, article outline, research issues/questions, hypothetical system and generally speaking end. Rundown In the examination article, the writer had clarified and talked about the ideas and noteworthiness of positive bookkeeping hypothesis with respect to bookkeeping research programs so as to comprehend the effect of human conduct in the bookkeeping setting. Furthermore, in this examination, it is additionally talked about that, individuals demonstration contrastingly in the various circumstances on the grounds that the practices and demonstrations of individuals are influenced by various components (Deegan, 2014). It is additionally summed up various strict convictions are investigated by utilizing logical judgment strategy that recommends that human conduct might be distinctive in the different circumstances and conditions. This is the significant goal of the positive bookkeeping research. It is additionally dissected that, changed circumstances/conditions are mindful to change the activity, demonstration and conduct of individuals. For instance, in his exploration, it is found by the scientist that, sensibility of the conduct of human is suitable in excess of 80% cases (Brigham, and Daves, 2009). Besides, in light of the suppositions and realities of the exploration article, it is additionally broke down that, in the current time of globalization, rivalry and computerized time, the bookkeeping capacities just as activities are getting progressively entangled, robotized and specialized the collaboration of the individuals or human had decreased. It is on the grounds that today every single thing depends on new frameworks and innovation that is decreasing the effect of person. Individuals need to chip away at the new framework that had decreased the collaboration of the individuals. Consequently, it is progressively perplexing and hard to comprehend the conduct of individual. In the examination, the scientist had utilized different measurable and numerical models so as to offer epistemological and ontological expressions and uncover different techniques which the positive bookkeeping exploration could be utilized. Moreover, it is additionally summed up that, positive bookkeepin g research has more extensive degree and can use to unravel muddled hums as well as used to improve ebb and flow bookkeeping methodologies and procedure adequately (Bogui, 2008). Furthermore, it can likewise be summed up that, positive bookkeeping research is a significant territory of positive bookkeeping hypothesis however positive bookkeeping research is increasingly powerful, proper, important and critical than the positive bookkeeping (Schmidt, 2014). For instance, with the assistance of positive bookkeeping research, distinctive examination in the region of bookkeeping can be performed to bring improvement and advancement inside the ebb and flow bookkeeping systems, procedure and strategies. Conversely, through the positive bookkeeping hypothesis, various applications, ideas and essential standards could be applied inside the bookkeeping setting (Dunmore, 2009). These are the significant highlights and functionalities that bring contrasts among the positive examination and positive bookkeeping hypothesis. Besides, positive bookkeeping research is likewise considers and manage the different principles, rules and guidelines and such standards are set by t he controllers just as strategy producer (Carver, 2011). Then again, it is additionally gotten to that, all the choices and activities with respect to the positive bookkeeping research are taken by the experts, uncommon specialists and reviewers. In any case, so as to lead the examination, the specialist had embraced different hypothetical strategies that don't give legitimate and fitting legitimizations (MacLullich, 2003). For instance, in the examination, the analyst had expected that human are normal in excess of 80% cases which shows that in excess of 20% exception to this situation. Simultaneously, it is additionally found from the investigation that, positive bookkeeping hypothesis has an immediate and roundabout relationship with a companys legally binding worth (Bamber, and Parry, 2014). In addition, in this investigation, the specialist had concentrated on embracing both theory and factual testing methods of exploration so as to test, and assess the sensibility of human conduct however have miserably ineffective in the equivalent. There is no particular reason is found in light of the fact that the speculation is completely founded on the picked tests. There are a few constraints in the examination study done by the creator (Lobo, and Zhao, 2013). Aside from this, it can likewise be summed up that, in this examination, the specialist had appropriately centered around creating and crating much better hypothetical models method for the testing that are very vulnerable and modern to help thorough testing. Moreover, in the examination, various ideas identified with positive exploration, positive bookkeeping, estimation are summed up by the writer in the investigation that are progressively significant in understanding the human conduct in the bookkeeping setting. Henceforth, extraordinary explicit and critical ideas are talked about in the examination by the creator (Deegan, 2012). Exploration Questions This exploration study is portrayed with the different examination questions and issues, for example, What are the significant ramifications of positive bookkeeping hypothesis and exploration? Clarify the ebb and flow standards and status of positive bookkeeping examination and how to utilize these to increase most extreme advantages? (Riahi-Belkaoui, 2004). What are the significant speculation and scientific exploration strategies/techniques that could be utilized by an organization to direct bookkeeping research? How positive bookkeeping is straightforwardly connected with the positive bookkeeping research and clarifies the significant contrasts among these two? (Drake, and Fabozzi, 2012). What are the significant inspecting procedures that could be utilized in the exploration to test the outcomes and give their relative favorable circumstances and drawbacks? Clarify and dissect both subjective and quantitative parts of positive bookkeeping research? (Hodge, Kennedy, and Maines, 2004). What is invalid speculation and elective theory and clarify contrasts among them? How to utilize positive bookkeeping research in getting to and breaking down the conduct of human in the bookkeeping setting? All these are the principal and most noteworthy exploration addresses that had tended to from the examination article. Hypothetical Framework In the examination study, the analyst had talked about various hypothetical ideas in the territory of bookkeeping and fund that could be utilized by the evaluators, bookkeepers and money trough in their practices to improve their comprehension. For instance, this exploration gives hypothetical conversation on the utilizations, centrality and significance of the positive bookkeeping hypothesis and examination in bookkeeping setting. Such hypothetical structure can likewise be utilized by the bookkeepers inside their starts so as to bring advancement and improvement inside the current bookkeeping frameworks (Ittner, Larcker, and Meyer, 2003). Besides, with the assistance of positive bookkeeping research, they would likewise have the option to direct research in the territory of bookkeeping. It would likewise permit them to take most suitable choices to improve the money related and bookkeeping exchanges. Similarly, the hypothetical ideas talked about in the exploration by the analyst would help in improving the dynamic capacities of the troughs and bookkeepers. For instance, the hypothetical structure identified with positive bookkeeping examination would assist the bookkeepers with solving complex issues of the business adequately (Ziesemer, 2012). Then again, through the powerful utilization of hypothetical models talked about in the examination, an individual bookkeeper can improve current bookkeeping activities, practices, and systems. It would likewise bring responsibility, adaptability, unwavering quality and exactness inside the different bookkeeping exchanges and procedure. Aside from this, it is likewise discover ed that, the principle hypothetical system related with this exploration paper is to examine the human conduct in the bookkeeping setting by utilizing different factual and hypothetical examination strategies in a successful and legitimate way (Homaifar, 2004). Criticalness and Limitations Criticalness: The significant significances of the exploration article are talked about as beneath: The principle hugeness of the exploration article is that it gives degree to the further investigation on the subject effect of positive bookkeeping research on the all out progress and development of an organization. Also, in this exploration, the analyst had talked about various examining, hypothetical and theory strategies and methods to test the outcomes. Thus, it is critical to see how to utilize different kinds of examination technique to lead the exploration consider and accomplish the normal ou

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Accounting for Business Combinations for Greenvale Energy

Question: Talk about theAccounting for Business Combinations for Greenvale Energy. Answer: Presentation The issue introduced in the inquiry is that Greenvale Energy Limited in its yearly report of 2016 has uncovered its money related execution and activities during the year that it has submitted. Presently the inquiry lies in the way that whether the organization has clung to the necessities as referenced in AASB 8. In this way in this investigation a concise thought regarding AASB 8 just as the working norms of Greenvale Energy Limited can be known. Working Segment and Reportable Segment of Greenvale Energy Limited The working section of any element implies basically a rundown of the tasks attempted so as to add to the income age of the organization. Then again the term reportable section alludes to the reality whether the data revealed in the working fragments have been accounted for appropriately or not, that is, regardless of whether there is sufficient data about the idea of the item, its creation procedure, nature and kind of client and all other significant data. Exposures not having quantitative edges are additionally viewed as a reportable section. Greenvale Energy Limited in its yearly report has referenced that it has attempted the activity of benefit improvement by investigating the Alpha Oil Shale Deposit. In spite of the fact that the organization has referenced in this specific divulgence that it has neglected to give the Statement of Resources and Reserves now on account of incompletely out-dated information that has been saved ineffectively and has been obsolete, consequently th e activity has been downsized to the degree of investigation target. Tables summing up the oil shale investigation targets have additionally been revealed. The Asset Divestment revealed by the organization is a reasonable and succinct report and adequately gives an away from of the activities taken by the organization. In the Asset Divestment divulgence as uncovered by the organization each and every detail with respect to the defeat of the organization in the money related year of 2015 till when it sold its benefits, everything has been referenced in a reasonable and compact manner (Annual Report, 2016). Consistence with AASB 8 The organization, Greenvale Energy Limited has appropriately clung to the set down guidelines and arrangements of AASB 8. The exposures basically have been set up so that a specific speculator or a partner will get an away from about the money related condition and position of the organization. There are sure territories where sufficient degree with respect to progress can be distinguished (Faras and Rodrguez 2015). For example the working fragments extensively don't meet the quantitative edge, that is, on the off chance that the portions cold have been upheld up by more information, at that point it could have been incorporated under working sections without including them under reportable portions. In addition the data uncovered by the organization in the concerned divulgence is basic and straightforward and appreciate empowering any outsider financial specialist to get keen on the undertakings of the organization consequently holding fast appropriately to the referenced norms in A ASB 8 (Kan and Gray 2013). For each unveiled money related thing if the aggregate of every single reportable fragment don't equivalent to the comparing combined figures for the entire gathering then the specific monetary thing may even now not have been gotten that is it has been recorded on terms of its event and not receipt. This would demonstrate that the budget reports are set up based on accumulation premise of bookkeeping. References Yearly Report of Greenvale Energy Limited, 2016. Faras, P. furthermore, Rodrguez, R., 2015. Fragment revelations under IFRS 8s administration approach: has section detailing improved?. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting/Revista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad, 44(2), pp.117-133. Kang, H. also, Gray, S.J., 2013. Fragment revealing practices in Australia: Has IFRS 8 had any kind of effect?. Australian Accounting Review, 23(3), pp.232-243.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Rattle Bone :: essays research papers

Bits of a Novel Puzzle “A tale or an assortment of short stories?'; might be an inquiry that a pundit pose about Rattlebone. Maxine Clair depicts the two contentions with her vigorous composing style. A mix of irregular remarks and numerous extraordinary expressions intermix with the extreme plot. Composing like this gives the peruser an increasingly loosened up state and the book appears to be progressively alive and genuine. In answer to the evaluate question, Maxine Clair is composing a novel in light of a plenteous gracefully of anticipating, an assortment of storytellers, a repeat of characters, and a procedure generally referred to man as maturing. Proposing that Rattlebone is in certainty a novel, foretelling happened in a few spots during the book. Clair utilizes this composing technique by referencing the name October Brown, halfway in light of the fact that Brown is included toward the start and towards the finish of the book. Ms. Earthy colored turned into a significant piece of Irene’s life, not just by being one of the fundamental purposes behind her parents’ separate, yet in addition by aiding Irene achieve one of her objectives. The time that happened between these two occasions in the book interfaces Rattlebone and is an excellent utilization of foretelling. Another case of Clair’s utilization of this composing strategy is the experience of the separation between Irene’s guardians. This drawn out procedure showed Irene’s guardians as being unforgiving. From the outset his significant other pardons James Wilson for the issue that he appreciated with October Brown, howev er after a timeframe, Pearl additionally had a lot of the fall in their relationship. As of now, neither one of Irene’s guardians would pardon the other nor make up with the other. This model again shows the utilization of hinting by Clair by advancing the occasion more than a few sections with various storytellers. Irene, the storyteller in a few unique phases of the separation between her folks, talks her sentiments of nauseate and consistently attempts to keep her parents’ relationship together. Another side of the story originates from October Brown’s landowner, Mrs. Pemberton. Mrs. Pemberton needs nothing to do with the issue and therefor attempts to isolate the two sweethearts. Irene makes that big appearance again and uncovers to the peruser subliminally, that her dad is the man having the illicit relationship. The utilization of two storytellers, each having an alternate gander at the circumstance, may appear to be befuddling to the peruser from the outset, however once the parts are completely perused and the entire story gets over, it becomes obvious why the adjustment in portrayal was fundamental.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Article Critique Research Design - 275 Words

Article Critique: Research Design (Article Critique Sample) Content: Article Critique: Research Design Name Institution Article Critique: Research Design The study was intended to evaluate a three-pronged intervention to reduce risk of aspiration in a group of critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients under tube feedings to determine if the program had been effective (Metheny, Davis-Jackson, Grove, Burns, & Gray, 2013). Theories help in guiding the research process (Weld, Padden, Ramsey, & Bibb, 2008). A qualitative research design would not be appropriate for the study because it does not involve use of a theory (Holloway & Wheeler, 2013). Moreover, qualitative approach relies on narratives, words, and documents, which was not the case in this study. In addition, the study was conducted using a quasi-experimental design (Metheny et al., 2010). Quasi-experimental design was the most appropriate for the study because there was no random assignment of patients to usual care and ARRP (Grove et al., 2013). In conclusion, the researchers chose the most appropriate research approach. Quantitative design was the most appropriate in collecting numerical data needed to evaluate the effectiveness of interventional program. The study used a quasi-experimental design rather than a true experimental design, which was an appropriate experimental design because the participants could not be random...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Types Of Honor By Marguerite De Navarre - 1556 Words

Honor is a concept that has a great deal to do with entitlement and based on the actions or qualities of a person. There are three main types of honor that society recognizes; family, men, and women and in The Heptameron, Marguerite de Navarre portrays each of the three types of honor throughout her stories. Published in the 1500s, the series of short stories portrays the values and beliefs of that period of time. However, there are often a number of complications that follow honor that lie with classified and understandably honorable deeds or traits, and who is it that determines this. Another issue that one may find is that it is also complicated to be able to view one form of morality in the presence of another due to certain views clashing with one another. In addition to this, Marguerite de Navarre’s stories are written around the themes of love, lust, and adultery, in addition to honor. Each of these has a significant role in portraying the integrity of men, women and fa mily. The Heptameron’s twelfth story has each of the three types of honor present throughout it, and show how they either compliment or conflict with one another. Through the character of the Duke of Medici, the Duke’s â€Å"other half†, and the sister of this man, the reader is able to recognize the instances in which honor is evident. It is common for the concepts of both manliness and honor to go hand in hand with one another. This nobility is defined by what they believe is entitled to them. The maleShow MoreRelatedThe Truth Behind Honor By Marguerite De Navarre1557 Words   |  7 PagesThe Truth Behind Honor Honor is a concept that has a great deal to do with entitlement and based on the actions or qualities of a person. There are three main types of honor that society recognizes; family, men, and women and in The Heptameron, Marguerite de Navarre portrays each of the three types of honor throughout her stories. However, there are often a number of complications that follow honor that lie with classified and understandably honorable deeds or traits, and who is it that determinesRead MoreThe Historical Developments That Truly Defines The Renaissance As Rebirth1443 Words   |  6 Pageshis religion. The became one of the Renaissance more important largely read books and educated to leave an abiding autograph. It is one of the demanding analysis books. It is a perfect illustration of the admirable argument between men and women of honor. It instant the pictures of an ideal court, outlining the virtues of an ideal prince. The first book that defined the stereotypes that men were stronger than women. Q.4 A) There is more than the difference between the Middle Ages Medieval musicRead MoreThe Historical Development That Truly Define The Renaissance As Rebirth1441 Words   |  6 Pagesfor his religion. The became one of the Renaissance most important largely read books and educated to leave an abiding autograph. It is one of the demanding analysis book. It is a perfect illustration of admirable argument between men and women of honor. It instant the pictures of an ideal court, outlining the virtures of an ideal prince. The first book that defined the stereotypes that men were stronger than women. Q.4 A) There is more than difference between the Middle Ages Medieval music and the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Bsg quiz full part free essay sample

Warehouse expenses are 5.4% of net revenues. Administrative expenses are 2. 9% of net revenues. Marketing costs are 10. 9% of net revenues. Cost of pairs sold are 53. 6% of net revenues. 8. According to the cost allocation procedures discussed on the Help screens for the Private Label Sales Report and the Marketing and Admit Report, which one of the following is included as part of a companys cost in supplying private-label footwear o chain retailers? A proportionate share of corporate administrative expenses A proportionate share of accompanying costs for celebrity endorsement contracts A proportionate share of plant supervision costs, plant maintenance, and plant depreciation in those plants where private-label pairs are produced A proportionate share of accompanied expenditures for retailer support A proportionate share of accompanied advertising expenditures 9. Which one of the following is NOT a way to effectively differentiate a companys branded footwear from the brands of rivals? Compensate plant workers at levels that exceed all other companies in those geographic regions where the company has plantsand thereby boost the companys image as a great place to work Provide free shipping to all buyers at the companys websites Win sufficient celebrity endorsement contacts to achieve higher celebrity appeal ratings in the various geographic regions than most all other rivals Deliver orders for branded footwear to footwear retailers in a shorter time than most all other rivals Produce and market branded footwear with a higher SIS rating than the branded outwear of most all other rivals 10.Based on the industry-low, industry-average, and industry-high values for the benchmark data in each issue of the FIR, which of the following is an unconvincing or untrustworthy indication that one or more elements of your companys costs are too high relative to the costs of rival companies? Your companys warehouse expenses per pair sold in both the wholesale and Internet segments are above the industry average Your companys operating profits per pair sold in all 4 geographic regions of the wholesale segment for branded footwear are below the industry-high values

Thursday, April 16, 2020

International Entrepreneurship the Firm Implement in the US Market

Strengths The firm’s product is a well known fragrance that is recognized for satisfying customers’ needs in its European target markets. This makes it possible for the firm to implement best practices in the US market to help it increase consumers’ loyalty in its products. However, the firm needs to take note of other products that have a large market share which may not be dislodged from their market position easily.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on International Entrepreneurship: the Firm Implement in the US Market specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The firm has a strong retail network that gives it an advantage over its competitors (Pastinen, 2010, p. 52). The firm has partnered with several high end franchises that only sell its products, which gives it more market access to high worth customers. However, some of its competitors use department stores that have large retail networks and this helps them sell their products to more consumers. Weaknesses The firm has several weaknesses in the industry. The foreign currency market is volatile and this has weakened the euro to dollar exchange rate. Other local firms which sell their products in Japan and China are also facing the same problem. The firm needs to increase its dollar reserves to help it overcome this risk. Another weakness is that the firm has no experience in the U.S. market and this may not work to its advantage. This makes it difficult for the firm to predict the amount of future earnings it is likely to get while operating in the industry (Armstrong Kotler, 2011, p. 64). However, this gives it an opportunity to initiate market strategies that help it boost the confidence of its customers. Opportunities In the next six months it is estimated that there will be a reduction in interest rates charged on credit by various lending institutions. This will also benefit other firms which are looking for more funds to expand their operations. The firm needs to put in place proper plans that will help it take advantage of this opportunity. An increase in the number of young consumers who have good incomes is an opportunity the firm needs to exploit in future (Armstrong Kotler, 2011, p. 67). However, this may not have a positive effect on the firm’s future performance since some of them may prefer substitutes. The firm stands to gain more market share if it engages effectively with them. Threats Existence of counterfeit products which target low income consumers is a threat. These counterfeits mislead customers and they dent consumer confidence in the market. The firm needs to invest in strong trademarks to help it discourage this negative habit. It is projected that taxes and other licence charges will be increased and this will have a negative consequence on the performance of the firm’s products in the market. The firm needs to formulate effective strategies to help it overcom e these problems (Porter, 2000, p. 103).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Significance of SWOT This tool helps a business firm understand specific issues that are either beneficial or harmful to its operations in the industry it operates. The classification of various factors through the SWOT tool helps a firm plan its operations in the market effectively. Factors which a firm excels in are considered strengths because they help differentiate its products from its competitors. Weaknesses are internal factors that have a negative effect on a firm’s ability to improve its competitiveness in the industry. Opportunities are those positive prospects in the market that a firm is well positioned to exploit to grow its revenues. Threats are those external factors in the industry that are likely to have a negative effect on a firm’s operations (Kolb, 2008, p. 130). Refer ences Armstrong, G.M. Kotler, P.J. (2011). Marketing: An introduction. London: Pearson. Kolb, B. (2008). Marketing research: A practical approach. London: Sage Publications. Pastinen, M. (2010), High-performance process improvement. London: Springer. Porter, M.E. (2000). Competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior performance. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster Publications. This essay on International Entrepreneurship: the Firm Implement in the US Market was written and submitted by user Mia Sharp to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, March 13, 2020

The divine command theory essays

The divine command theory essays The Divine Command Theory can be a hot topic for some people to discuss in the field of philosophy. The Divine Command Theory states that an act is permissible or obligatory if and only if that act is allowed or commanded by God. (Class notes 1/12/05) To believe in this theory is to believe that God is good in everything he commands and wills a person to do. This theory though has a few holes that can cause controversy and debate among philosophers, such as the question Socrates expresses in the Euthyphro, Are morally good acts willed by God because they are morally good, or are they morally good because they are willed by God? (Plato: Euthyphro) I believe that all acts that are willed by God are good and have bigger purpose than humans are willing to believe. God is the creator of the universe and all that is good and pure; it is in his nature to do good things. God created and blessed all people with a unique creaturely calling. (Genesis 1:26) If one is to believe in the Divine Command Theory, then one must believe that God has nothing but the purest and best intentions. When God created humans, they were as pure as the driven snow, but when the Fall of Humanity happened, sin was introduced to man. The Fall of Humanity means that we cannot know Gods truth and ways by reason or any means other than a personal revelation. So, in order to understand Gods will, we must trust in Gods commands. Even though we may not be able to understand why he commands or wills some things. There are many arguments that hold true to the Divine Command Theory, such as the Abraham argument. This argument states that if the Divine Command Theory is correct, then no matter what God were to will, it would be morally required. ( This is evident in the bible with the story of Abraham, in this story, God commands Abraham to kill his one and only son Issa ...

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Atheism and Communism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Atheism and Communism - Essay Example Similarly, communism is a socioeconomic and political term, which also seeks unity and cohesion among the members of society by denouncing any possibility of class discrimination culture. The paper also explores the differences between the two notions under investigation by declaring that a large majority of the communists follows one faith or the other, and hence does not disassociate it with spiritual belief system altogether. However, it is fact that the Christians, Muslims and Hindus are also the followers of communist politico-economic system. Consequently, atheism and communism serve as pole-apart concepts, which share one major commonality i.e. to free the humans from getting divided, alienated and weak subsequently. The Paper The notions atheism and communism have been in vogue for the last many decades, which seek their roots in political science, history, sociology and theology. Theorists are at daggers drawn in respect of exploring similarities and dissimilarities between the two notions. One school of thought declares both the terms as quite different from one another, which should not be taken the lights of the same source. On the other hand, some of the political scientists observe close proximity between atheism and communism, as both the two, according to them; negate exploitation of one or more strata at the hands of the other in the name of religion, race, region, ethnicity, gender or socioeconomic status. Since religious faiths, class discrimination and financial positions, they insist, invite differences and gulf among the individuals, belonging to divergent groups and communities, non-adherence to the belief systems pave the way towards the creation of a homogenous society, they assert. Somehow, association between both the two can be viewed due to the very reality that both these doctrines share several commonalities in their nature and scope, and portray the picture of an undivided as well as a classless society. While atheism denies the existence of any deity, communism concentrates upon the establishment of a homogenous society without being divided into classes, communities and religious beliefs. However, they cannot be stated as the aspects of one and the same coin; on the contrary, they are quite different from each other in nature and scope. Before embarking upon the topic under analysis, it would be advisable to define both the terms under analysis: Atheism: It has aptly been observed that an overwhelming majority of the populations, belonging to every society, culture, nation, country, race, region and ethnicity of the globe, seek support from some supernatural powers at the hour when they find themselves quite helpless in the face of hardships. Such belief subsequently ripens into strong faith, and develops some specific rituals, prayers and performances, which are imitated by the entire community by taking it as the source of their spiritual uplift and relief. The statistics reveal that thousands of religi ous beliefs are followed by the millions of the people all over the globe. However, still there exists a community that has not developed faith in the Supernatural powers, and consequently declares it as atheist or without religious belief. The members of this community take life and death as the outcome of the alterations taking place in their physical and social environment, which give way to the chemical and physical changes in the environment, including the conversion of matter from one form to the other. Hence,

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Reviewing Mixed Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reviewing Mixed Methods - Essay Example This statement is the hypothesis. A hypothesis is not always necessary for a study because â€Å"some areas of research are too new to warrant tests of hypotheses or the findings are so mixed that a specific hypothesis is not supported by the literature† (Cengage Learning, 2005b). However, they are a feature of the hypothetico-deductive scientific method. When testing a hypothesis, we do not necessarily predict the outcome of one variable based on a change in another, though this may also be the case. But herein lies the difference between a hypothesis and a prediction because testing a hypothesis can alternatively be concerned for example, with whether or not effects actually occur, whether some treatments have effects on an outcome measure, or groups differ from each other (Cengage Learning, 2005a). In short, a hypothesis concerns â€Å"a testable statement about the relationship between two or more variables† (Gross, 1996), which may or may not be a predictable cause and effect relationship. In factorial designs for example, a hypothesis â€Å"typically involves an interaction between your Ivs† (Cengage Learning, 2005b) i.e. the independent variables. Thus, a hypothesis allows a prediction to be made, but it is not itself a prediction, whereas a prediction is the expected result of an experiment based on a given hypo thesis (Hays, 1999). This distinction between a hypothesis and a prediction is often unclear (Singer, 2007) in students. The accuracy of a prediction related to a hypothesis could give a strong indication that the hypothesis is true (and so the null hypothesis is to be rejected). At the heart of research through hypothesis formation and testing is the drive for scientific exploration. However, when several hypotheses arise together we are dealing with broader theories. Whilst a hypothesis deals with specific sets of phenomena, a theory constructs a framework of plausible rational explanations for the whole phenomena. The general everyday

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Role and Functions of Law Essay Example for Free

Role and Functions of Law Essay Law is vast and diverse, which makes it overwhelming and confusing. The main purpose of the law is to create order in society and business. Law can be defined as â€Å"the body of official rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions, legislation, judicial opinions, and the like, that is used to govern a society and to control the behavior of its members, so Law is a formal mechanism of social control† (Sixth Form Law, 2012, par. 4). The following will describe the function of law and what role it has in society and business in addition to looking at how law affects a specific industry. Because American law is so diverse, it is broken down into several categories. Those categories include; Criminal law versus Civil law, Substantive law versus Procedural law, and Public law versus Private law. Please note that these categories are broad, and they are not mutually exclusive. An act or transaction can be classified in more than one legal category (Melvin, 2011). First, laws, primarily statutes, are considered to be criminal or civil. Criminal law protects society. It is between private parties and society. For example, if someone is brought up on murder charges they would be tried in a criminal court of law. Violations of criminal law could result in penalties of fines or imprisonment to violators if convicted of the crime and proven to have intentionally committed the crime. Civil law is between private parties. Civil laws are created to compensate parties who have experienced losses because of the other parties’ actions. Examples of civil law could be divorce and accidental injury cases. Next are the differences between Substantive law and Procedural law. Substantive law is a statutory law, which deals with the relationship between people or people and the state. Substantive law is used to define, regulate, and create people’s rights and obligations. They deal with the structure and the facts of the case to determine the type of crime and the severity. It also defines the rights and responsibility of the accused. For example, there are several degrees of murder, depending on the circumstances and the intent; there are different levels of punishment. On the other hand, Procedural law is a set of rules that govern the proceedings of criminal lawsuits and civil proceedings. It elaborates on the steps of how the case should proceed as well as assists in determining if the case requires a trial. These laws ensure fair practice and consistency in the due process (Diffen, n. d. ). Last is the summary of Public law and Private law. Public law governs the relationship between individuals and the government. It includes constitutional law, administrative law, and criminal law. Domestic violence is an example of Public law. Private law, also known as common law in some countries, governs the relationships between individuals. It includes civil law, labor law, commercial law, corporations law, and competition law. An example of Private law would be a contract for services. If someone renders a service according to the request of the client, but the client is not happy with the results and refuses to pay for this service. This agreement is legally binding and the rules of transaction are governed by the common law of contracts (Melvin, 2011). There is much to digest once reading about the categories of law and to think this is just skimming the surface. In addition to these categories the Congress is given power via the Commerce Clause to â€Å"regulate Commerce among the several states† (Melvin, 2011, p 32). If Congress chooses to regulate certain persons or products, the federal law is supreme to the state law that tries to regulate the same persons or products. In the case of Cipollone v. Liggett Group, the state law regulating advertising for tobacco products were preempted by the federal law (Melvin, 2011). It is important to know how state and federal laws can affect society and business. One industry, which is under constant scrutiny, is Appraising. Appraising has both state and federal laws to abide with, and they are constantly changing. Appraisers are required to obtain certain standards that are set forth in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), which is published by the Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation. If an appraiser fails to comply with these standards there could be punishment of fines, lawsuits, or loss of license. In conclusion, it is important to know the basic roles and functions of law in both society and business even though it is vast and diverse. Laws are needed to create balance and order within society and business, and they can be broken into broad categories to obtain the basic knowledge.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Love Story :: essays research papers

I was born into a non-Christian family. We thought we were Christians, because we used to go to church on Sundays. But we didn't know about the Bible verse that says we must be â€Å"born again† if we ever want to see the kingdom of God (John 3:3). Even if we'd heard it, we never stopped to think about how we could get â€Å"born again†. I got a job in a music store. Christine was a sales clerk there. She was one of the sweetest, most honest people I had come across up to that time. And she was open about being a Christian. I could see there was something different about her, and I was sure it had something to do with her Christianity. Her self-assurance, peace, and love for Jesus Christ made a strong impact on me. When I left the music store I got an office job. A young woman there, named Ruth, reminded me of Christine from my former job. It wasn't long before I found out that Ruth was a Christian too. I think these two young women were the only â€Å"born-again† Christians I had ever met up to that time, and they both stood out in a wonderful way. Ruth used to ask me about my beliefs, and I would ask her about hers. Whenever I asked her a question she didn't know the answer to, she said she would ask her pastor and get back to me with the answer. She always did. On the other hand, whenever she asked me a question I couldn't answer I would try to bluff my way through. I made some stupid comments to her at times, and looking back I don't know how she stopped herself from laughing at me. I guess it was her respectful Christian upbringing. I once told her that everyone in the world had been Roman Catholic until the time of Martin Luther. Ruth had no trouble demolishing that argument. In fact, she had no trouble demolishing all my arguments. Ruth was a happy person. She was always doing something exciting with her church youth group while I was doing little with my friends at all. Even after we both left that job, she kept in touch with me a few times, and made it clear that my spiritual life concerned her. Then events started happening in my life that kept me wondering whether I was missing something by not being a Christian.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Paleolithic Age

The Stone Age Social Studies Mrs. Perez By: Alexander Colon 6th grade The Stone Age Now I think we can all admit that The Stone Age was not a good time to be living in the glory and all that. But I bet we would all be having some pretty good times with the things that you were able to do back then. So, let me explain some to you. During the Paleolithic age nomads grouped together into small societies called bands. They also subsisted by gathering plants, hunting, or scavenging wild animals. They did this by using wood or bones carved to use as weapons. They started to use stones in the Neolithic so I will get to that later.Other organic commodities were adapted for use as tools also like leather or vegetable fibers. Although the Paleolithic age is part of the Stone Age nomads did not use stones until the Neolithic age; I’ll get to that now. The beginning of the Neolithic culture is co0nsidered to be in the Levant about 10200-8800 BCE. It formed directly from the Epipaleolithic Nafutian culture in the region, whose people pioneered the use of wild cereals, which evolved into real farming. The Nafutian period was 12000-10200 BCE, and the so-called â€Å"proto-Neolithic â€Å"is now included in the PPNA between 10200-8800 BCE.As the Nafutians had become dependent on wild cereal in their diet and a sedentary way of life had begun among them, the climatic changes and associated with the younger dryas are thought to have forced people to have develop farming. There also were weapons made by stones, flint, and other materials. I did not include this in the intro, but the Mesolithic actually falls between the Neolithic and Paleolithic age. Did you know that in the Stone Age you did not have to have a license for anything? If you wanted to go kill a horse, slap somebody, or even throw a rock at somebody you can do it without anybody telling you so.The term Mesolithic was first used to post-Holocene, but pre-agricultural material in Norwest Europe about 10000-50 00 BCE. It is also an applied material in Levant. As you can see the Stone Age had some pretty fun things to do. You can grab a bow and arrow and hunt down a random animal; you can even go horse-back riding, or even play with fire, nobody cared what you did. There were no laws. Why heck you could have gotten married at the age of five. I guess I just explained to you that we all can have a good time in the Stone Age even if there was no television.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Abstinence Only Programs Funding The Demolishment Of...

Abstinence Only Programs: Funding the Demolishment of Human Rights in America â€Å"Don’t have sex because you will get pregnant and die!† (Mean Girls). This famous quote said by Coach Carr, the health teacher, in the movie Mean Girls swarms the brains of teenagers all over the world. While this quote is quite extreme and is making a mockery of abstinence only programs, it’s analogous to what teachers across the nation are reciting to brainwash our youth. Abstinence-Until-Marriage programs are implemented in numerous high school and junior high schools across the country. While the title seems promising, â€Å"Mathematica [Policy Research Inc. (on behalf of U. S. Department of Health and Human Services) found that through] evaluation, [there’s] no evidence that abstinence-until-marriage programs increased rates of sexual abstinence† (What the Research Says†¦). Teaching a course that isn’t beneficial is meaningless and merely a waste of time. These curriculums use fear tactics to scare children away from sex, reinforce gender norms, and provide inaccurate medical information. Schools that provide abstinence only programs are denying our youth factual, substantial knowledge and survival skills. Instead, these schools should consider an abstinence-plus program, also known as a safe sex contraception education, for their students. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26, â€Å"everyone has the right to education† (United Nations). Thus, everyone has the right to be